Study of Equilibrium Properties: DIII-D And Aditya-U Tokamak.

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DIII-D and Aditya-U Tokamak Equilibrium Study

In addition to solids, liquids, and gases, plasma-filled particles dominate the state universe, especially in stars. Generally, challenged by particle recombination, plasma stability can be maintained at high temperatures as described by the Saha equation. This stable plasma state is essential for fusion reactions, studied in devices called tokamaks, which limit the plasma to the temperature needed to fuse. Aditya-u Tokamak in India and DIII-D in the USA are notable examples.

Problem Statement

Due to the accumulated errors in the Euler method, the grid points deviate from the desired flux surfaces, causing errors in the stability of the magnetic field geometry A robust method is needed to ensure renewal The (R,Z) coordinates remain on the same flow surface, allowing for a more accurate and robust mesh representation. This optimized mesh can then be successfully used in particle dynamics simulations, providing higher resolution than standard equilibrium solvers. Addressing this issue could improve the investigation of particle tracking and confinement in plasma physics.

Equlibrium Magnetic Field and its covariant components are given by:

\[ \vec{B} = \nabla \psi (R,Z) \times \nabla \zeta + \frac{F(\psi)}{R} \mathop \zeta\limits^ \wedge \]

\[{B_R} = - \frac{1}{R}\frac{{\partial \psi }}{{\partial Z}};{B_Z} = - \frac{1}{R}\frac{{\partial \psi }}{{\partial R}};{B_\zeta } = \frac{{F(\psi )}}{R};\]

Techniques Used


Conclusion and Future Outlook

The grids do not coincide with flux function due to error accumulated in Eulers’s ,method. Another condition to check that new (R,Z) coordinate remains at same flux function is needed to resolve that. Finally, this grid can be effectively used to work with particle dynamics, as they are much dense other than what obtained from equilibrium solvers.

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Joydeep Das

Joydeep Das

HPC & Physics Researcher | Plasma Simulations | Machine Learning

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