Larmor’s Formula and its Application to cyclotron emission

Motivation for the Presentation

This presentation explores the connection between charged particle motion and emitted radiation, specifically within the context of cyclotron radiation. Understanding these relationships has profound implications in fields ranging from astrophysics to industrial applications of particle accelerators.

Approach to the Problem

To solve this problem, foundational knowledge in electrodynamics and radiation theory is essential. We introduce Larmor's approach, which provides a framework for calculating radiation emitted by accelerating charges.

Power Emitted by a Moving Charge

Using a flowchart approach, we derive the power emitted by a single accelerating charge:

Structure of the Cyclotron Machine

This section includes a historical note on the development of cyclotrons, followed by a description of the machine's structure, components, and operation principles.

Particle Injection and Dynamics

Here, we describe the particle injection process and the sequence of interactions that result in cyclotron radiation, illustrating the mechanics of particle acceleration and emission within the cyclotron field.

Applications of Larmor’s Formula

We examine the practical uses of Larmor’s formula within cyclotron settings, discussing the formula's results and the insights it provides into emission patterns and power output during particle acceleration.

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Joydeep Das

Joydeep Das

HPC & Physics Researcher | Plasma Simulations | Machine Learning

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